Chapter 321Elijah raised an eyebrow and inquired, To whom are you giving this away now? Elizabeth returned his
look with one of exasperation.
Do | look like Im made of money? Sure, this pen was complimentary, but its actually more expensive than the
one | purchased! Who would | even consider worthy of such a lavish gift? | plan to use it for writing my
| simply asked you to hold it momentarily.
Elijahs expression turned gloomy.
But didnt you mention it looked good on me? Elizabeth exhaled sharply.
Why must you always be so difficult? You just said you wouldnt bother with such an inexpensive pen.
Now, youre upset Im not offering it to you! Elijah replied, | never claimed | wouldnt use an inexpensive pen.
| merely noted that Ive never used one this inexpensive before.
Being a writer, shouldnt you appreciate the nuance in words? Elizabeth had already brushed past him and was
striding ahead before he could even finish his sentence.
Elijah paused, watching the gap between them widen, before he set off after her with a sigh.
On her stroll, Elizabeths attention was captured by a hgoods store that had just opened.
Inside, she scanned the shelves without much interest until, just as she was about to leave, a stylish glasses
case caught her eye.
Recalling Olivers broken glasses case she had noticed in the car earlier, she decided to pick up the new one and
proceeded to the checkout.
To her surprise, the small item cost five hundred.
While she was still processing the shock, the cashier efficiently printed the receipt and presented it to her,
asking, Would you like to pay by cash, card, or a scan? Choosing the scan option with a hint of resignation,
Elizabeth readied her payment app.
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As she completed the transaction, the clerk cheerily included a grotesque frog toy in her bag, saying, Todays
special offer: spend five hundred and receive this free stress-relief toy.
Managing a weak smile, Elizabeth muttered a thank you.
Exiting the store, she found Elijah waiting by the door, drawing admiring glances from several women.
As they noticed Elizabeth join him, their expressions fell, and they walked away disappointedly murmuring, Of
The handsones are always taken.
Elijah chuckled at their remarks, glancing at Elizabeth with a raised eyebrow.
It seems Im quite the catch, according to the crowd.
Elizabeth replied calmly, Remember the last heartthrob who ended up in the news for the wrong reasons? His
wife was envied, too, once.
And when have | ever resembled that guy? he retorted, his eyes wide in mock horror as he followed her.
Pausing, Elizabeth replied thoughtfully, Well, neglect can be as harmful as anything else.
Youve had your moments.
She continued, But everyone has flaws.
Improve those, and who knows? Maybe you could actually live up to their expectations.
Elijah gave a dismissive laugh, saying, Sure, | can certainly improve.
No sooner had the words left his mouth than he realized he seemed to have been tricked into making a promise.
He was momentarily lost in thought, but then noticed Elizabeth stepping into the already open elevator.
Rushing, he managed to join her just in time.
Down in the dimly lit underground parking lot.
As soon as Elizabeth settled into the car, she pulled out the garish green frog and, reaching over to the front
seat, handed Oliver a bag.
| noticed your glasses case was in a sorry state earlier.
This one caught my eye while | was out shopping, so | picked it up for you.
Oliver, clearly taken aback, accepted the bag with a tentative grasp.
Sandra, this is overly generous.
With a wave of her hand, Elizabeth downplayed the gesture.
Its nothing, just a small thing.
Hardly a splurge.
Despite her words, the five-hundred-dollar price tag was far from trivial.
She wouldnt even splurge that much on herself.
Elijah got into the car in tto witness their exchange, his features clouding over with displeasure.
Realizing he was being ignored, he interjected clumsily, Did you really go out of your way to find him a glasses
case? Olivers hand paused, the bag suspended in the air, as he grappled with whether to keep it or give it back.
Elizabeth cut through the tension, saying, Keep it, Oliver.
It was just a spur-of-the-moment purchase.
Her mood brightened as she turned towards Elijah.
Actually, | picked up something for you too.
Something just for you.
Oliver, relieved, set the bag down beside him.
Thank you, Ms.
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Trying to appear nonchalant, Elijah asked, And why exactly would you geta gift? Elizabeth handed him the
unattractive frog.
| thought this was rather fitting for you.
Elijah accepted the item, his incredulity mounting as he squished the unappealing frog toy.
Really, how is this supposed to be fitting for me? With a twinkle in her eye, Elizabeth replied, Think of it as a
stress-relief tool.
Given all the tension you carry from work, it seemed appropriate.
Just as Elijah was almost convinced by her playful justification, his eyes caught sight of a tag dangling from the
frog that proclaimed Free Gift.
He swayed the toy by its tag, questioning, This was a giveaway? Internally fuming at the stores blatant
promotion, Elizabeth kept her cool, retorting, You seemed quite taken with the freebie pen earlier.
| thought this one might appeal to you, so | grabbed it.
Disgusted, Elijah flung the frog to the car floor, his voice icy as he addressed Oliver, asking, Whats next? Am |
sleeping here in the garage tonight? Apologies, Mr.
James, Oliver muttered, resigned to his role as the fall guy.
As they pulled out of the parking space, Elijah crisply added, Head to Bayview Villa, Elizabeth looked at the
discarded frog with irritation.
Even if it wasnt to his taste, it was a gift, and it deserved better treatment.
She reminisced about the tiny tokens they used to receive at dinersinsignificant yet cherished by her because
Elijah would nonchalantly hand them over.
She had valued each one.
With these memories in mind, she scooped up the frog, lowered the car window, and responded, If you dont want
it, dont just leave it here.
Toss it out.